Saturday 3 September 2011

Bye Rainbow Challenge

As im doing a legacy and about to start S3GT too, doing a rainbow challenge too is too much to keep up with so im not going to do it anymore... i might start back when ive finished the legacy but for now im not going to.
Also, the rainbowchallenge is quite similar to the legacy and so theres not much variety when I switch. 

Sunday 14 August 2011

Chapter 1.2: 2nd August 2001 - Special Man

 As you can see, the beach is right near my house, and so I went down there to check it out.
Yeah, I met a guy, as you can tell from the chapter title ;-)
 His Name is Leon.
It took him a while to realise my true personality, but when he found it, he loved it, just like he loved my looks. I didn't realise I was that beautiful! I hugged him because I'm probably the more outgoing one in the relationship. I thought so at this point any way. I finally realised that he was the more outgoing one. He made all the first moves. 
 LEON: I've never loved anybody as much as I love you...
SCARLET: We only met a few hours ago, Don't rush into things or this won't work.
 LEON: But I love you!
SCARLEET *mumbling*: Why did I bother...
 He obviously did love me, maybe too much, because he ignored the fact that I'd told him not to rush into things. He just kissed me. 
LEON: Sorry, I couldn't resist any longer, your just too beautiful!
Well, I didn't mind, he's a great kisser, and I'm not just being nice. Either that or it's just the experience of my first kiss felt great. Either way I loved it, and I don't regret kissing him back.
 I liked it so much, I went into a full-blow kiss with him.
LEON: I thought you didn't want to rush?
SCARLET: I changed my mind....
LEON: Well, I don't want to change it back, so I'll leave it at that...

Saturday 13 August 2011

Chapter 1.1: 1st August 2001 - I am Myself

Yo yo yo. I'm Scarlet. I was joking with the 'Yo yo yo' bit. I'm not like that. I'm kinda weird (I've been told my many people). If I had to choose my favourite object, It'd be stripey socks because they're cool. I absolutely hate curtains, they're so overrated, jhez. To be honest, I actually don't know what overrated means but that doesn't matter. If I was an animal I'd be a Rabbit because their cute. Ok, I've just realised I'd probably get killed. Woops. I just realised another thing - I'm rambling. Let's move on.
 This is my new house. Like it huh? Well I had to decorate it. It came empty, with no walls. It took me about 6 months to get it to this stage. I think it looks great now. I'm not vein. I just like it. OK? It's called 11 Seaside Lane which you probably knew from my introduction. If you didn't read it now. It's near the beach and ah, it's lovely. 
 Vice City at night. the sea is so beautiful, it's like the sea in Barbados! You can see my house in the middle, near the Beach Patrol. I have lived here all my life, ever since I was born. Hopefully I always will. I'm going to start rambling so I'll leave it as that.
 In my spare time, I like to get photoshoots done. I AM NOT VEIN. I just like photographs. This is just outside my house AFTER it'd been decorated:). I love my facial expression, in this, I do it a lot :).
 This is another photo from the photoshoot. In this photo, I was actually holding an eagle. Oh, I wish. Eagles are cool, nobody kills them. They eat you. I wonder if they could eat me. I mean, I'm only 5'3. I heard they can eat lions. Maybe I was being lied to, cause I think that lions can kill them. Ok, so I lied about nobody killing them. Oh well. Get over it. I was meant to say butterfly. I got a bit carried away when I made the mistake of writing eagles. 
 I like this photo. I like all of them. I think I might hire this photographer permanently. If you can do that, that is. Well I hope so. I don't want to keep calling the agency and getting a different person. Damn. I can't remember his name so there's no way I can do that. Maybe they have mugshots of all their workers. I hope so. Well I'll go down there tomorrow and check. Nah I can't be arsed. They can come to me. 
 I look very quiet and shy in this photo. Well that's me. I hardly speak (but you probably have realised that by now) and I'm a good girl, I've never been bad in my life. I'm amazing. Well, that's what people tell me anyway. 
 I got a job at the Warehouse. See, told you I'm a good girl. Yeah, so what if it's abandoned, doesn't mean anything. ToysRUs have warehouses, I might be working at ToysRUs for all you know, so don't even question my job. Ever. Or you'll pay. I'm joking. I'm not. I am. I'm not. I AM! I AM NOT!
Wait I'll be back in a moment, my butlers calling me to have my pills... He says they're to help me sleep, the doctor gave them to me.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Rainbow Challenge Rules & Introduction


This challenge was created based upon the rainbow challenge. It has been modified to fit the Sims 3. It is a challenge for those who don't want or even like the restriction of the legacy challenges. This may not even seem like a real challenge to some as their is no point system. The challenge is to make Sim players familiar with the customization feature new to the Sims 3, while being creative and having fun. That said, there are a few rules for those wanting to give this a try…

The Rules:

1. The family surname should be the word “Wobnair” (rainbow spelled backward.)   *I am not using this rule*
2. Go into the CAS and make one founder. Name your Sim something to do with Red. The challenge starts with the founder's color "Red".
3. You can decorate in any way as long it's apprarent that Red is the color for that generation. Afterall, your Sim is a Red freak.
Note: You may use any other colors to accentuate the red. Example, you may have red and white curtains. Then there are some patterns with other colors, these are fine too.

4. Offspring for the generation you are playing should be named something that corresponds to the current generation you are playing. For example, if you are playing red, you may name your children Scarlet, Crimson, Heat, Strawberry, etc.
5. On those occasions that the heir favorite color is the same as the current one you have played before you may chose from the colors listed below (only do this on those occasions). If that is the color you are playing , go down the list until you come to a color that you haven't played. The colors are :

6. The next color will be decided by your heir's favorite color. Although this color change will not take effect until the heir is the head of a household.

7. The challenge ends with generation 10.

8. No cheating in any foam or you have lost the the challenge.

NOTE: There are some that will think this challenge is too easy. Try this- marry those that only have the favorite color of your generation. ( Generation 3 is purple, find and marry those with the favorite color of purple).


Please note, I did not write these rules.

Oh, hey, I'm Scarlet Daiva, and I am the founder of the Daiva Rainbow Challenge. 
My color is Red, and I live in a main shipping port, called Vice City. Always have actually. You guys probably would have heard of it. If not, well you have now :).

 Anyway, I recently moved out of my parents house and now live at 11 Seaside Lane, which is quite obviously near the sea. I have $5,725 to spare, the house was quite pricey as it's the biggest on the road! Anyway, I plan to have a couple of kids in the near future, and that's all you need to know for now. Look out for my next post to find out how life on my own's going.
Bye Readers!